General Guidelines For Everyone

Step 1

Collecting a much detailed medical history, including information about diet, fluids intake, ergonomics, daily habits, etc...

Morning temperature

Detailed map and photos of bedroom, office, place where the subject in question spends the most time with orientation toward the cardinal points (N-S-E-W) and appliances, electronics, and outlets.


Step 2

Hair analysis for Toxins and Minerals

Computerized Blood Work Analysis with specific nutritional report


Step 3

Plan of intervention.



Dr. Borgna’s Macrohealing Check List

  • Analyze your home and workspace for: EMF, Radon, CO, Toxic Waste, Power Towers, Etc…
  • Open your windows for at least 1/2 hour every day.
  • Keep low maintenance plants in your home and office. 
  • Be aware of your posture. Stretch and warm up before exercise. Long pauses between exercises and visualize them.
  • Light daily exercise (Walking 20min Twice a day)
  • Spend at least 1 hour a day out door without sunglasses.
  • Do your own research and question your doctor.
  • Minimum 2 hugs a day
  • Volunteer work periodically or one gesture of randomized anonymous kindness or generosity daily.